quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

The 3 Factors

          Increasing the lean body mass which means gaining muscle while losing body fat may be your desirable goal as it is for  all professionals that are in the sports and bodybuilding scenario. But is that possible?

         The good thing is that it is possible. A lot of renowned authors (like Anthony Ellis, Vince Delmont, Tom Venuto) have been publishing a lot of cool stuff about this topic and this blog will cover this in detail further. For now what you need to know is although this goal is something hard to achieve cause there are many "x factors" that affect muscle gain and fat storage, it is not impossible if you have the right knowledge and do things right.

           It is not just about going to the gym 5 or even 6 times a week. And believe me this can actually ruin your plans!!! You dont build muscle while you are in the gym. Rest is one of the key elements to build muscle and also losing fat. The other two are correct nutrition and correct training  according to your main goal (if it is building muscle or losing fat).

         Try to think about it....the resaon for not achieving what you want could be one of these three factors. Think about your diet. Are you eating a proper and healthy diet? Think about your training. Are you doing the right thing inside the gym. If you want to build muscle, is your work out short and intense? Think about your  rest periods. Are you going to the gym from monday to monday? Your body need to rest to optmize your muscle recovery  and hormone production. Overtraining can also mean muscle loss!!!
Think about it and see you in the next post.

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